Sep 21, 2011

There are many ways of helping children in Africa I will highlight just a few below. Read on until the end and you will realize how easy it is to help.

  Helping them through Education
This is every child's right but African children are deprived of this right because of many reasons. With the right education children are well empowered to face the challenges they life brings to them. The importance of education among children can never be over emphasized. Education is a promise of a better future, which can break the poverty chain in families.

                                           Through offering Protection 

African children get exposed to numerous harsh living conditions from time to time. They are vulnerable to abuse, rape, kidnapping, having their rights ignored etc. Their own parents abuse some of the children and laws are sickeningly lenient in dealing with the offenders.

Although legislation alone is not enough to ensure the children are safe and protected but it can play a major role and send a message to any would be abuser. Children should not find themselves in the streets having no one to take care of then especially after their parents die. I strongly believe that any child, no matter his or her background and origin, should be protected from harm's way.


As a basic necessity for any human being to live it is necessary that children go to bed having eaten something than going for days without food and some even die of hunger. In most African countries like Swaziland it has been said that children even collapse in classes because of hunger making it hard for them tom learn or concentrate in class.

Most children do not have the necessary skills to grow their own food, their parents die when they are still too young to learn the art of growing food. Some of these children do not have an idea where their last meal will come from and live on donations and handouts. Help to provide food security for African children will ensure that there are no more children who die because of hunger.

              Helping children in African through providing Shelter

More and more of Africa's children are homeless most probably will live the rest of their lives in the streets if there is no help for them. Every child deserves to grow up at home but this is possible for children who do not have parents to give them a home. Help in the form of halfway homes or orphanages are one of the ways to give the children a home environment.

It is expensive for the already struggling economies of Africa to do this they need help. The land may be there as construction sites but there are no resources for the construction and the running of such facilities. Another way to help African children have shelter would be to use the land that they are left with by their parents to construct houses where they can live and call home. This way they do not give up their ancestral land with all the resources there.

                                                  Why should you care?

For starters, helping children in Africa would ensure a brighter future for them and a different African continent from what it is today. Investing in children who are the future ensures a better future. They have the energy, if well empowered, to change the world.